песня из рок-оперы Иисус Христос суперзвезда Could We Start Again Please

Иисус Христос - суперзвезда, рок опера. песня Judas' Death

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Мнение об изучении английского с помощью песен на английском языке.

если только-только и просто слушать, то неважно что, лишь бы нравилось. Мсе равно ведь почти ничего не понимаешь, польза только в том, что привыкаешь к мелодике языка.

если не просто слушать, а пытаться разобрать, о чем поют, или на память учить и потом самой напевать, то что-то, что нравится, чтоб при этом незнакомых слов в песне было немного, а незнакомых конструкций не было вовсе.

оо это больше для тех, кто уже несколько времен выучил и имеет определенный словарный запас, те, кто только начал учить язык, скорее всего, немного для своего уровня найдут (я не говорю о песнях, которые используются только в учебных целях). зато, наверное, отыщется достаточно песен с простым припевом, можно их слушать, подпевая только на припеве.

песня Superstar и синхронный текст


    Andrew Lloyd Webber. Jesus Christ - superstar (p) 1970

Judas   My God! I saw him - he looked three-quarters dead!
        and he was so bad - I had to turn my head
        You beat him so hard that he was bent and lame
        and I know who everybody's gonna blame
        I don't believe he knows i acted for our good
        I'd save him all this suffering if I could,
                        don't believe... Our good...
                        Save him... If I could
Priest3 Cut the confessions forget the excuses
        I don't understand why you're filled  with remorse
        All that you've said has come true with
                                               a vengeance
        The mob turned against him - you backed  the right
Caiaphas What you have done will be the saving of Israel
         You'll be remembered forever for this
         and not only that you've been paid for
                                              your efforts
         Pretty good wages for one little kiss
Judas   Christ! I know you can't hear me
        But I only did what you wanted me to
        Christ! I'd sell out the nation
        For I have been saddled with the murder of you
        I have been spattered with innocent blood
        I shall be dragged through the sline and the mud!
        I have been spattered with innocent blood
        I shall be dragged through the sline and the mud!
        I don't know how to love him
        I don't know why he moves me
        He's a man - He's just a man
        He is not a king - He is just the same
        As anyone I know
        He scares me so
        When he's cold and dead will he let me be?
        Does he love me too? Does he care for me?
        My mind is darkness now - my God I am sick,
                                        I've been used
        and You knew all the time
        God! I'll never ever know why you chose me
                                        for your crime
        For your fool bloody crime
        You have murdered me! You have murdered me!
Choir   Poor old Judas!
        So long Judas!

Мсе песни рок оперы Иисус Христос суперзвезда

Heaven on Their Minds.
What's the Buzz.
Strange Thing, Mustifying.
Everything's Alright.
The Jesus Must Die.
Simon Zealotes.
Poor Jerusalem.
Pilate's Dream.
The Temple.
Everything's Alright.
I Don't Know How To Love Him.
Damned for All Time.
Blood Money.
The Last Supper.
Gethsemane (I Only Want To Say).
The Arrest.
Peter's Denial.
Pilate and Christ.
King Herod's Song (Try It and See).
Judas's Death.
Trial before Pilate (Including the 39 Lashes).
John 19:41
Could We Start Again Please